Exploring In-Context Learning for Knowledge Grounded Dialog Generation

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Large neural-based dialog generation models have been applied in many real-life scenarios, yet they are prone to hallucination and tend to produce factually inaccurate outputs which raise great concerns. To alleviate this problem, we propose a plug-and-play retrieval-based framework IKA, which leverages in-context learning and retrieval techniques to enhance LLMs on knowledge grounded dialog generation. We design thorough experiments on a large-scale knowledge graph with 1M+ facts to investigate the effectiveness and generalization of our framework. Experiments show that our method surpasses previous training-based SOTA by a large margin, specifically 46.67% in BLEU4, 26.01% in ROUGE-L, 122.90% in BARTScore and 30.50% in Entity Coverage F1. Further analysis show promising abilities of LLMs to perform knowledge-intensive tasks, which is previously considered weak and understudied.

In EMNLP2023
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Master Student@PKU

My research interests include natural language processing, machine learning and recommender systems.